[DHM Discovery]

Several months ago, I discovered a very curious so-called "Sobering Compound". It's derived from the Japanese Rasin Tree, Hovenia Dulcis, the flavonoid known as Dihydromyricetin being the active ingredient responsible for 1) Sobering you up very quickly. And 2) Virtually eliminating Hangovers. Sounds impossible? I suspected so too. After reading a lot of studies from reputable sources, on this Hovenia Dulcis & Dihydromyricetin (DHM), I decided I needed to test it for myself, for if it did work - this was something *incredible*, and worth having access to, if it didn't work, I was down $20 bucks. Perhaps the claims were just greatly exaggerated?

My chance to truly put this DHM to the test came a few weeks after my order arrived. I witnessed somebody so drunk they were unable to speak properly or walk around without bumping into the walls aimlessly (very close friend), they took ~400mg DHM, and at the 1 hour mark - they were able to walk as if sober and have a fairly-normal conversation. I was shocked. I knew what they had drank, and it was impossible to recover so quickly, to such an extent. The reason they tried it, was they had forgotten they had an event to attend that night - and going through a rather bad patch, they got into the habit of daily drinking, often it slipped out of control. They ended up attending an event that evening, 90 mins after dosing (no further drinking) and were able to recall all sorts of details from the evening when they returned later that night. I'd never seen anything like it in my life. I was impressed! Very very surprised and impressed. The other thing it does, 2) If you take some DHM before you go drinking (200-400mg, dose depending on your body weight and how much you drink), you will not really get drunk at all, I haven't pushed the limits here myself, but I found taking it before drinking (say 6-8 beers) allowed me to feel almost completely "sober" that evening, just a bit more social but quite clear headed. Your blood alcohol level is not affected, so don't drink and drive or anything foolish like that. You will just feel and act sober, and the hangover the next day is basically non-existent.

In Asia it's been well known for a long time (1000's of years), that this compound has this property, but most people in the rest of the world are just discovering this now. It's actually Hepatoprotective, which means it protects the liver from the damaging effects of alcohol. In South Korea people drink Hovenia Dulcis Tea (without any alcohol involved) as a health supplement, specifically to benefit/repair the liver. It's a very safe compound, and has quite an extensive range of health benefits, especially if consumed without Alcohol. If you're even an occasional drinker - when the evening is wrapping up, if you take ~300mg-600mg DHM with a big glass of water before you crash for the night, the next day you'll wake up feeling a million times better than if you skipped the Dihydromyricetin dose. This stuff works very, very well, either for keeping you sober in a situation you're forced to drink. Or reducing the severity of a hangover significantly, if you wish to party hard, simply take some DHM before you retire for the evening. It won't save you completely if you really over-do it (20+ drinks style), it'll sober you up within the hour or so, but you'll still feel pretty rough if you chose to party quite that hard. Moderate drinkers/Weekend Warriors, this is a god-send!

There's been a wide-range of studies done supporting these claims, as it's been around for a long time in-fact. Hovenia Dulcis is actually beneficial for your health - and one particular flavonoid (DHM) will save you from a hangover, protect your liver, and if needed, sober you up pretty darn quickly! There is a site which provides more in-depth information (and cites various studies so you can verify all my claims ^ for yourself), it also provides a safe source to pick some up if you're interested in trying it. I don't drink very often these days, but if I do, I always take either 1 or 2 - 300mg capsules of DHM before I call it a night, I am rather surprised something this useful is so unknown/rare still (in my circles at least!), I could have really really used this in my early 20's!

For more information/links to studies, check out the DHM Depot :)